Friday, July 13, 2007

Proof of the Existence of a Benevolent God. Or Something.

In the manner of Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica, I offer these several proofs:

1. My colleague H has her grandfather's fiddle, which has a RATTLESNAKE RATTLE inside it!!!!!! He used to play it at barn dances and shake it to get the rattling sound. THAT is punk as fuck.

2. After seeing P play washboard in his Cajun punk band, H wrote him this haiku:

I was not aware
that one could shred a washboard
I stand corrected

3. At the company softball game, the pitcher of the opposing team, H&H Bail Bonds: stick thin, flowing mullet, full of body, tight baseball pants. Already smoking a cigarette while doing the "high-five the other team" thing about 5 seconds after the game ended. And my lovely colleagues IMed me first thing this morning to tell me of this joyous sight because they knew it would make my day and it did. [Late Breaking Update: He has black teeth.]

Sunday, July 08, 2007

So Much Useless Beauty

Friday, July 06, 2007

OK, This Is Fucking Hilarious

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Packages (ahem) I Love, Part One: I Wonder What It Means That Three Out of Four of Them Are Stimulants?

Nat Sherman Smokes

It's sophisticated and old-school. A deceptively genteel container for something dangerous and illicit, like a very elegant, handsome man whose eye you catch while sipping a dirty martini at the roulette tables. And it makes you want to smoke them so you can be seen with this box. Oh, and they're delicious.
And the back is almost even better:

Lion Coffee

Three hula-ing, grass-skirt-wearing coffee beans? A lion wearing a beret or some sort of captain's hat? What do lions have to do with Hawaii? And on the back, the lion is wearing a lei and pulling a chariot of coffee beans. This one is beautiful and raises a lot of questions and mixes a lot of metaphors.

Temple of Heaven Green Tea

This one has a romantic austerity, it's probably what they were drinking on the Shanghai Express. The "Special Gunpowder" lettering is like something that might be stenciled on the outside of a box of munitions in a communist country. But then "Temple of Heaven" makes an impossible promise, useless to try to resist.

Baleine Sea Salt

You know, whales, the sea, salt. This blue is color that salt tastes, no? It's just perfect.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Real Gusto, Real Easy!