Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Nothing Says Classy Like...

Because this is a cellphone photo, taken under an awning with bright sun outside, you can't see that this wonderfully-branded refrigerator is that pink color of bathroom tile from the 50s. Thanks to M for having the phone handy when we passed this unforgettable site on, oh, I don't know, maybe 19th St in NYC.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Even the Kids Are Cooler in New York
In addition to all the cool stuff A posted about, this happened in NYC this weekend: A, B, and I were in a cab, going to eat at Supper. Cab is stopped in traffic, I look out and see this perfect 14/15-year-old skater kid, complete with lank shoulder-length hair, long shorts, skateboard, totally sparking up a bowl on the steps of an apartment building. I leaned over (I was in the bitch seat, obv.) and gave him the thumbs up through the window. You could see him get that feeling you get when you realize you're being watched, and then he notices us watching him and jumps up, startled, and walks very fast down the sidewalk. Traffic starts to move, we pull even with him and we yell out the window "Party on, dude!!!" and he smiles big, flashes us a cool little skater hand signal/peace sign/gang sign and keeps walking. Hopefully we taught him a valuable lesson about...something.